Iowa Library Services State Library is pleased to announce that Governor Terry Branstad has appointed Betsy Thompson to the Iowa Commission of Libraries.
Thompson is director of the Sioux City Public Library, a position she has held since 1995. Thompson lists three specific areas of interest for Iowa’s libraries: early childhood literacy so that every Iowa child has learned to read by grade three, bridging the digital divide so that all Iowans have access to digital literacy resources, and reading for enrichment so that Iowans broaden their perspectives, are more empathetic, and have happy brains because they read.
The State Library is a division of the State Department of Education. The nine-member Commission has the authority to receive and approve the State Library budget and plan of service, and to appoint the state librarian. Commission members are responsible for seeing that the State Library fulfills its mission to advocate for Iowa libraries and promote excellence and innovation in library services in order to provide statewide access to information for all Iowans. Thompson’s term on the Commission will run through April 30, 2017.