A IBP Curling Classic is set to slide once again. And it continues to grow.
The 7th Annual Classic, set for March 17-18 at the IBP Ice Center, filled up weeks ago. But attendees can still watch the action Friday night and all day Saturday, before Sunday’s championship. Last year, more than 36 teams competed in the event, a record.
In competition, two teams, each with no more than six players, take turns sliding heavy, polished granite stones, also called rocks, across the ice curling sheet towards the house, a circular target marked on the ice. The target area is segmented into four concentric rings. It is related to bowls, boules and shuffleboard.
Each team has eight stones. The purpose is to accumulate the highest score for a game; points are scored for the stones resting closest to the centre of the house at the conclusion of each end, which is completed when both teams have thrown all of their stones. A game may consist of 10 or eight ends.
The game is featured every year in the Winter Olympics. And in 2018, the Olympic Curling trials will be held in Omaha.
For more information, check out the Curling Facebook page.