Reprinted with permission by RAGBRAI® Sioux City.
The Des Moines Register newspaper hosts a bicycle ride across our state each year. The name of the ride, RAGBRAI®, stands for the Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa. On July 18, thousands of people on bicycles will be visiting our town and spending the night here. Our town is sponsoring an art contest for students in kindergarten through fifth grade. A winner in each grade will be chosen. The winning entry in each grade will win a gift card to Palmer Candy Company.
Those selected winning entries will move on and be considered for the overall Sioux City winner. The overall Sioux City winning artwork will then be judged with all the other winning entries of other overnight towns in Iowa. The statewide grand prize is $350. We hope you can capture the fun of having thousands of bikes and people visiting our town.
The Rules:
• Sioux City’s theme, “Party Like it’s 1973” should be incorporated into the art.
• Artwork can be no larger than 11” x 14”.
• The artwork can be drawings (crayon, maker, pencil, etc.); paintings (finger paints, watercolors, etc.); or sculpture (clay, paper mache, etc.)
• All entries will be used for decoration for Sioux City’s RAGBRAI®
• Put your name, age, address, school and phone number on the back of your entry.
• Deadline for all entries is 4 p.m., Friday, May 15.
Please mail or drop off entries between 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at JD Gordon Design – 312 Court St., Sioux City, IA 51101.
Download the Ragbrai Art Contest Flyer.