When spring arrives suddenly in the Midwest, as it did last week, it seems people, even pets, go a little nuts. We all want to be outside. That may be why we see so many cases of dog vs. car in the spring. Last week was no exception.
We received a report that a small dog was hit by a car last Friday on Hamilton Boulevard. We don’t know the details of the accident, only that his family took him to their vet. When they learned the extent of his injuries and the cost to help him, they decided they could not afford treatment for him. The vet offered to call Noah’s Hope at that time, but they refused assistance. They did not want to surrender the dog, which we require if we are going to take financial responsibility for an animal. They took him home.
On Sunday, when the dog’s condition had worsened, the family called their vet again and asked him to contact us. We made arrangements to take the dog to our vets’ clinic as an emergency. He was in bad shape, and we were afraid he could not be saved. In fact, he died in the exam room, but our vet was able to revive him and keep him going. The volunteer who went to be with him sent out a frantic message on Facebook to all of the other volunteers and asked for prayers for the dog she named Hamilton*. Like a cloud of starlings, a collective prayer went up to the heavens (Noah’s Hope runs on prayers), and Hamilton pulled through.
We wish we could conclude this story right here with a happy ending, but we can’t. The dog got worse a day later. His foster mom rushed him back to the vet in the middle of the night, and at 3 a.m. Hamilton left his broken little body and crossed over into the next world, leaving behind a rescue full of broken hearts.
To make matters worse, a senior vet at our clinic told us he suspected that Hamilton was not hit by a car. He did not have any cuts, bruises, or road rash. No broken legs or pelvis; no internal bleeding. None of the injuries typical with car accidents. Hamilton had a fractured vertebra in his back and severe inflammation, possibly neurological damage. The vet said he believed the dog was struck across the back with a heavy object.
Somebody killed him. Right now that’s all we can say about this case because we may pursue legal action.
If there is a moral to this story, it is this: If you love animals, as you must if you are reading this blog, BE THEIR VOICE. When you see abuse or neglect, don’t look the other way. Call someone.
We apologize for writing about these sad things. Honestly, for this blog we wanted to write about something happy because there are so many joyous moments in rescue, but we had to talk about Hamilton. He deserves to be remembered.
Noah’s Hope Animal Rescue (and Thrift Store)
2601 Myrtle St.
Sioux City, IA 51103
Visit our Facebook page or website for more information:
Noah’s Hope Animal Rescue is an all-volunteer, 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation. We rescue the underdogs: the old, the sick and injured, the used-up by breeders, the forsaken and misunderstood. We nurse them, bring them back from the brink, and give them another chance. We believe they make the very best pets because somehow, they understand and are grateful.
* Please note: The photo used is a visual representation of Hamilton only, not an actual photo of him, and is not meant to portray his likeness in any way.
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