The City of Sioux City is pleased to announce the upcoming installation of approximately 330 on-street bicycle signs. These signs will create 84 miles of on-street bicycle routes. Installation will begin shortly and will continue over the next several months. Motorists are reminded to be aware of sign installers working within the public right-of-way.
Over the last few years, City staff from the Parks and Recreation Division, Field Services Division, Engineering Division, and the Planning and Neighborhood Services Division has met with representatives from the Siouxland Trails Foundation and Siouxland Cyclists to develop new on-street bicycle routes. The resulting proposed routes are the result of many meetings, revisions, and presentations with many community members and groups.
In December of 2012, the City of Sioux City received $8,200 in funding support for the on-street bicycle route signs from the Siouxland Trails Foundation ($2,000), the Siouxland Cyclists ($2,000), Scheels ($1,000), and the Siouxland District Health Department ($3,200). The City of Sioux City would like to thank the Siouxland Trails Foundation, the Siouxland Cyclists, Scheels, and the Siouxland District Health Department for their ongoing support of this project.